Congratulations go out to Jacque for her beautiful Open-Faced Designer Apple Pie - our winner of the Family Favorties round!
Our next theme falls beautifully in line with last month's theme - we are such a nostalgic bunch and I LOVE it!
Our next theme falls beautifully in line with last month's theme - we are such a nostalgic bunch and I LOVE it!
Ellen at Kittymama is our hostess this month and she is taking us all down that nostalgic path one more time with Childhood Memory Pies!
Childhood Memory Pie: Bake a pie or tart that is inspired by a favorite childhood memory. Maybe you spent a summer vacation in Maine so it's a blueberry pie; or your grandmother always baked lemon meringue, or you remember your first taste of apple pie ever. Tell us a little story that will help us walk down memory lane with you and relive some happy childhood memories!

Please email your pie or tart entries to pieswiththat[at]gmail[dot]com by June 7th along with a 300pix sized picture titled with the name of your blog. Can't wait to see the creativity and share some memories!

Please email your pie or tart entries to pieswiththat[at]gmail[dot]com by June 7th along with a 300pix sized picture titled with the name of your blog. Can't wait to see the creativity and share some memories!
Ooops, I forgot to say "Thanks!". You all are too awesome!
Can't wait to see next month's entries :)
I just discovered your blog and love the idea of a Pie A Month! I will definitely try and join you and meet the deadlines (though not so sure about June 7th, but I'll try!).
My sincere apologies as this month's hostess that I may not make the deadline. I've got a major change going on at home - if you check my blog you'll find out why. I will try to get my pie up this week but not by June 7th - sorry everyone! But I do plan to check out all the entries and keep up to date!
Ellen (kittymama)
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