A quick reminder for Judy of Judy's Gross Eats - your pie theme is up for November, so please email that in to us by mid-October if possible. Thanks!
As for a few changes - you probably noticed we are several days late in posting - well, we've been thinking - and have decided to try to make the deadlines easier for all of us to remember. From now on, here (and in the sidebar) will be to send in your photo, link and entry by the last day of the month. That way, the roundup can be posted within a couple of days after that. It usually takes a couple days to get it together, so if the roundup isn't posted, and it is the 1st or even 2nd of the month, email it on in to me and I'll try to get you added!
I'm going to shoot for posting the roundup by the 4th of the month at the latest, winner and new theme to be announced around the 7th. We think that will give everyone a chance to have a few more days to create their pies and hopefully an easier to remember deadline date.
If you have any questions or anything, please let us know! Thanks to all of you who participate regularly and keep us going! Though Susan and I haven't been able to participate in a while, we are thoroughly thrilled and astounded with your creativity and genius each month and love checking it out!
Thanks again and again!
NOW, on to the theme for October! It is a fun and very interesting theme that I think will be challenging, so I think we will all appreciate having until the very end of October to send in your

Hosting this month are Mary at alpineberry and Jeanette at Jeanette's Mommy Musings. This dynamic duo bring us the challenge of the Masquerade Pie - what could be more perfect for the month of Halloween! Here is how they describe the challenge:
"Masquerade Pie" - Make a pie that has a secret.
You can conceal your pie's secret identity (with a robe of dark
chocolate, maybe?) or disguise your pie as one thing when it's really
something else (like a mock apple pie deceptively made with Ritz
crackers instead of apples). You can use a mysterious, unusual or
surprising ingredient in your pie or if you're more inclined to step
out from behind the mask, you can reveal a secret recipe or technique.
Thanks and take care!
-Mary (http://alpineberry.blogspot.com ) and Jeannette
(http://jeanettesmommymusings.blogspot.com )
You can conceal your pie's secret identity (with a robe of dark
chocolate, maybe?) or disguise your pie as one thing when it's really
something else (like a mock apple pie deceptively made with Ritz
crackers instead of apples). You can use a mysterious, unusual or
surprising ingredient in your pie or if you're more inclined to step
out from behind the mask, you can reveal a secret recipe or technique.
Thanks and take care!
-Mary (http://alpineberry.blogspot.
With the new changes, will you also be updating the blog role to reflect new members?
The Masquerade Pie is a cute idea. Now, I have to think of something. With the Jewish holidays taking up an entire month, I will pick something very easy. Although, I wanted to try my talents at that pie crust, this is not the month for it. Hmmmmm, !=?????? Where is my mask?
Thanks for all the work you do. I am sure you end up putting a good share of time, keeping this going.
I was wondering if tarts count too, or just pies and pies only ?
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